Sunday, September 2, 2018

Feedback Thoughts

Why Rejection Hurts So Much
I thought the article was definitely right on the money as far as how rejection feels. After you've dealt with rejection enough times, you eventually get to the point where you say "enough" and would rather not even take the risk just to avoid the possibility of rejection. I liked how it focused on how instead of letting it get you down, focus on what you can do right. It's not an easy task, but it's a skill that is definitely worth learning, and one I will continue to work on.

A Fixed Mindset Could Be Holding You Back
This article was a nice compliment to the Growth Mindset articles we read last week, as it talked more about how to have a growth mindset instead of a fixed mindset. I thought it was really interesting how they mentioned fields such as medicine, where it can be difficult to have a growth mindset, as it can be life or death if you go into something you're unsure about, something brand new to you. If it can be applied by doctors successfully, we can apply it as well. It was also a little funny how they brought up the "participation trophy" approach has actually made it worse in some ways, by making it harder for kids to deal with adversity when they never learned how to do so.
When you haven't been applying Growth Mindset principles
Source: CatTime

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