Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Reading Notes: The Gospel of Mark, Part B

The Gospel of Mark, King James Version (1611)

We begin to see the prophecy from Jesus about how he will be killed and resurrected, which is met by confusion from his followers. It is a little weird when somebody tells you that they're going to be killed by somebody else. It is even weirder when it is someone with the ability to perform the miracles he has, as we see him heal a man who had lost his sight similarly to how he brought the young girl to life and cured a leper.

We also are told another parable, which appears to reference receiving the kingdom of heaven. In the parable, it directly refers to how the word of God has been received, with people believing that they shall inherit the kingdom by killing the heir to said kingdom instead of nurturing the land and giving what they were asked to give. Frustrated by this parable, knowing that it was shaming them, they proceeded to ask if they may pay tribute to others, specifically Caesar. Jesus proceeds to tell them that we should separate God and Caesar, not mixing their possessions or items with each other.

Later, we see that his prophecy does end up coming true. Jesus is arrested and sentenced to death. He had told Peter that he would deny him three times that day before the rooster crowed twice, to which Peter was stunned, believing he would never do such a thing. Despite this, we find out that Peter does in fact deny him, just as he had prophesied. Taken aback by this, Peter begins to weep, knowing what he had done was wrong. Jesus is then mocked before they lead him to be crucified. He is spit on, beaten, and made to carry his cross before being crucified next to two others. They laugh at him, as they could not believe he saved so many others, but was unable, or unwilling, to do so for himself. After many hours, Jesus dies, and the temple's veil rips into two pieces at that moment, causing the centurion to realize he was the son of God.

Jesus' body was given to Joseph, who wrapped him in linens and placed his body into a tomb, with a large stone rolled in front to seal it. However, a few short days later, they found that the stone had been moved, and his body was no longer there. Instead, an angel is inside, telling them that his prophecy has come true, that he has risen from the dead and will appear to his disciples. His disciples do not believe that he has risen initially, until he does show himself to them. He instructs them to go out into the world and spread his message, before he goes to heaven to be next to God.

Crucifixion of Jesus
Source: Wikipedia

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