Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Week 8 Comments and Feedback

Feedback wanted
Source: picryl

Feedback In:
Overall, I would say I've been pleased with the feedback I've gotten from people. I especially find it nice when someone comments on multiple stories, or both stories and my project, as it makes it seem as though they're interested in the stories, making me want to work that much harder and try that much more to perfect what I have written.

Feedback Out:
I feel like I have been able to give good feedback for some of the other students in this class, but I must admit that it's difficult at times. Everyone has written some very good stories, so I sometimes find myself struggling to comment and feel like my suggestions can improve their writing.

Blog Comments:
I feel like I know people fairly well from this class. As I said earlier, it's really awesome seeing the same person comment on multiple posts, and I've tried to do that with a couple of people whose stories and everything sounded super interesting. I'm overall fairly happy with my introduction and what my blog displays of me for everyone else to see.

Looking Forward:
The rest of the semester, I'm going to try and work on my feedback some more. Even though I feel like I have been successful at leaving quality feedback, I believe that I can still improve and leave even better feedback. Additionally, I want to continue following some of the other students' work and see how their writing evolves, much like I know mine has this semester. I feel like the comment wall and my introduction have been beneficial, and that I've received good feedback that I will use the rest of the semester.

I allow myself to do things imperfectly.

I decided on this picture because one of my struggles is trying to make things perfect my very first time, even when I have multiple drafts I need to turn in. This made things challenging in English classes, as some of my teachers/professors wouldn't accept papers that didn't have a certain number of revisions completed. I've been working on not allowing myself to stress such a large amount over these things.

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