Thursday, October 11, 2018

Week 8 Progress

Overall, I'm very happy with the progress I've made over the first half of this class. I'm especially proud of the fact that I have not missed any assignments yet, even though I have terrible time management skills and have cut it close a couple of times. Despite these shortcomings, I do seem to have a fairly successful and repeatable routine that I have followed. I have probably enjoyed writing the stories the most, which is crazy for me to say, as those were the assignments I had the most hesitations about. I have not done any of the extra credit options so far, mostly because I have been able to complete the regular assignments in time, and with my schedule, it gets difficult to fit any additional classwork in.

Over the rest of the course, I hope to continue to complete the assignments and avoid falling into the trap of slacking off on some of them once I reach the number of points. I may start focusing almost exclusively on my project the final 2 weeks once finals and everything begin ramping up, but I do not plan to do that at this time. I might look into trying some different writing styles, but I also am a perfectionist, so it might not be successful, which would stress me out tremendously. These may be things for me to work through and try to use to better my writing abilities.

Believe in yourself

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