Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Week 8 Reading and Writing

So far this semester, I have really surprised myself with some of the stories I've written. Although they may not be the best stories or always the most creative, I feel like they're much better than I felt I was capable of when the class began. I feel the same with my project, although that is a little bit more difficult. I feel like I am constantly straddling the line and fighting between having too much detail, so much to the point of blowing through the word limit, and not having nearly enough. The battle is much more challenging that I anticipated it would be, as I find myself writing as if I am scared that I will cross that limit and be unable to trim it down successfully.

I've also enjoyed the stories that we have each week. When I first saw 15,000 words each week, I was a little intimidated, but as the semester has gone on, I find it easier and easier to read the stories and glean what I can from them.

I'm extremely excited to continue the class during the rest of the semester. Although it can be a little more time intensive than I thought it might be when I first enrolled, I find it quickly being one of my favorites that I've had in my time at OU. My time management skills still need a little work (I am writing this hours after I told myself I would, after all), but I find it easier to complete the assignments in a timely and quick manner than I did at first.

Source: GoodFreePhotos

I really enjoy this picture compared to some of the others, mainly because I've always been a fan of these kinds of angles for pictures and videos. I'm always intrigued by the views from a lower perspective in movies, such as the ground level shot of people running and all you see is their legs/feet, so I feel like this picture is a no-brainer for me.

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