Monday, August 27, 2018

Reading Options

I was thoroughly shocked at how many options there are as far as the readings are concerned. Not only are they plentiful, but they are also very interesting and seem like they will be fun to read each week. It was hard to narrow it down to 3 units, so I cheated and used 4 since two of them are so closely linked.

Aesop's Fables (English)
In elementary school, I always heard about Aesop's Fables, and I'm sure I've heard some of them, even if I don't remember it. Because of this, I feel like it will be fun to read them more closely and be able to analyze them differently.

Russian Folktales
I actually took Russian for my foreign language here at OU. The professor would talk about life in the former Soviet Union at times, so these stories seem more interesting because of the amount of background information I have about Russia. I knew almost immediately I wanted to read these once I saw them listed in the UnTextbook.

Homer's Iliad and Homer's Odyssey
We read bits and pieces of these two stories during high school English classes. I was interested in them, but didn't decide to read them then. I am excited to see what they have in store for me this semester.
Photo from Homer's Odyssey
Source: Flickr

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