Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Montana - My Favorite Place

When you hear someone talk about Montana, you probably think of extreme cold, deep snow, and a generally miserable place. But during the summer, it's one of the most beautiful places you can ever visit. It stays daylight until 10:30 at night, there are no city lights to drown out the stars, and it's so peaceful and quiet. It's even the place I learned to drive a manual transmission! (I had two choices: learn fast, or learn slow and have to learn going up a mountainside... I chose the learn fast option)

First snowfall on the Little Belt Mountains, 1942
Source: Wikipedia

Even though the picture above is 76 years old, it's still similar to that when you get away from the city, which is what makes it so special. You can escape from everything, enjoy the perfect weather, and let every ounce of stress escape from your body. It's definitely different being miles away from anyone else and having minimal contact to the outside world due to limited cell reception, but that's why you can escape and enjoy everything. If you have a week, or any extended amount of time that you can use to escape, I highly recommend checking out Montana during the summer.

Glacier National Park, Montana
Source: MaxPixel


  1. Oh, this is great, Sam; you are not the only fan of Montana so far; here's Erin's post: My Favorite Place: Glacier. I left a comment there about Montana Storybook possibilities... maybe that is something you will want to explore also, learning about the traditional legends set in and inspired by that gorgeous landscape!

  2. I’ve never been to Montana, but you make it sound great! One of the major things that sounds great about it is the fact that it stays light for so long! During summer time, this is one of the best parts, so I can only imagine how great it is in Montana. These pictures are really beautiful. I’m sure that they don’t do Montana justice, but they are really nice to see! Have you been to Montana every summer? Or is it just an occasional place to visit? Thank you so much for sharing!
