Thursday, August 23, 2018

Introduction to a Soon-to-be Graduate

My name is Sam, and I am a Senior studying Supply Chain Management here at OU. It's actually my last semester, so I'm really hoping to finish strong! I made the choice to come to OU pretty late in the process, I came on a tour and immediately fell in love with the campus and the area; it felt like I was at home the moment I arrived. It's also that perfect balance of being close enough to home that I can go home without trouble anytime I want, but far enough away that I have my own independence and don't have to worry about my family coming down all the time. I love them, but I also enjoy having my own life and personal space after 18 years at home.

During the school year, I work as a student employee of the football team, and have done so for the past 3 and a half years. It's an amazing job, from the places I've been to the people I've met to the things I've received for my time and our success. I've been extremely fortunate to have been here during the past 3 seasons we've had, with trips to Miami, New Orleans, and Los Angeles under my belt, just to name a few.
My view from Knoxville in 2015, and Columbus last year!
Taken from my personal photos

When I'm home, I enjoy spending time with family, as well as our dogs: 2 Yorkies (Will, age 12 and Rocco, age 2) and 1 Morkie (Sissy, age 2). They keep us all on our toes as they are pure balls of energy. If you open a door even an inch, they're through it before you can look to see where they are! I also use the time that I'm at home to work on my car, which is one of my favorite hobbies. I'll often drive out to my uncle's house so that we can use his shop and have some help with some of the more difficult tasks (unfortunately, I'm on a college student's budget, so some of my dream mods will have to wait a few more months). Once I graduate, one of my biggest goals will be to build a shop for myself so that I can have my own space to work and continue this hobby.

I can't wait to see what the rest of the year has in store, not just with this class, but also as I eagerly wait to find out what I'll be doing once I get out of school!


  1. Hey Sam! I’m Erin! It’s so cool that you work for the football team! I’m in the Pride, so last year I got to travel to Columbus (my favorite game) and Pasadena, too. Man, it was a great season! I hope this one will be just as good (or better!). I also love OU so much; it’s definitely my heart’s home. Your dogs sound adorable! I have a Brittany spaniel who is also full of energy. We have a big field behind our house, and sometimes we’ll let her out. She just runs, and runs, and runs! Good luck with finishing up your last semester, and enjoy the football season!

  2. Hi Sam!

    Funny story, my girlfriend is actually double-majoring in Marketing and Supply-Chain Management, so you might actually have classes together!

    I too enjoy having my own space. I have been commuting from home to campus the past three years and am doing so this year as well, with hopes of moving out in the coming summer. I'm ready to be "on my own" (still with my girlfriend though!)

    Working on cars is a great hobby. My stepdad often helps me out if mine ever needs work. Luckily it's fairly reliable, so that isn't too often. Hopefully I'll eventually be able to work on them myself! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Hey Sam! Congrats on this being your last semester and I wish you the best as you explore post grad life. Being a tour guide on campus, it makes me happy to hear you fell in love with OU on a tour. Also very jealous I don't have your job, I love football but find it hard to make it to a game with my other work schedule but I make it to the important ones, AKA OU and that other school no one likes. I wish you the best last football season as a student worker and a great last semester at the best university! Boomer Sooner!

  4. Hi Sam!
    I also decided to come to OU pretty late in the college admissions process- I applied on April 5, and got accepted on April 15, three days before most of my colleges required replies on whether I was going or not. It's crazy how fast it is sometimes. Where are you from originally?
    Have a great last semester!

  5. How exciting to be able to travel with the team, Sam! That always seems like such a colossal undertaking: so many people and so much stuff to get from one place to another. And working on cars sounds like a fun hobby: maybe you could do a project on mythological vehicles! There are some people, for example, who think that a lot of the old legends about flying vehicles might have been space alien vehicles, like in the old Chariots of the Gods? theories of Erich von Däniken. That might make a fun Storybook topic: you could be a time-traveling car mechanic to the gods. Anything is possible in the realms of the imagination! :-)

  6. Hi Sam!
    I am also a business major (marketing) graduating this semester! I think it is so cool that you are able to work for the football team! Looks like you have been to some pretty great games and places.
    I think it is cool you are able to do a lot of car work on your own. Not a lot of people can say that.
    Good luck this semester!

  7. Hi Sam! My name is Maria and I'm a senior too. My major is Marketing and I'm actually graduating this December too! I love that you talked about your dogs because I'm a big dog person. I have two German Shepherds and they're a handful. I'm with you on figuring out what you're going to do after graduation. I can't wait to see where life takes me. Good luck this semester!

  8. Hey Sam! Your job seems so freaking cool! Congrats on almost graduating. I hope your semester is full of joy and memories. I am looking forward to reading more of your stories and diving deep into mythology!

  9. Hey Sam! Your job sounds awesome! I wish I could say I have been to all of those places to watch the games too but I have only had the chance to go to LA for the rose bowl. I'm sure you're getting some great working experience and will be set after graduation. Good luck on your last semester!

  10. Hey Sam, your job sounds cool, but your dogs sound awesome. I am terrible at taking care of my car, but I think that's cool that you know how to customize your ride. I wish you luck in getting your own space to pursue your hobbies, and congrats on graduating soon!

  11. Hey Sam! You're so lucky and unfortunate at the same time! I wish I could only be one semester until graduation, but then again, I should also savor the moments that I get to spend here at OU. That's awesome that you work as an employee for the school football team. Working on cars is a cool hobby. I wish I knew more about cars.

  12. Hey Sam, working for the football team sounds incredible. I wonder what your best story from that experience is. That is really cool that you like to work on cars and want to have your own shop someday. I’ve always wanted to get into that kind of hobby but have never had a way to get started. Maybe one day I’ll just have to get a shop haha.

  13. Sam, I wish I was able to travel as much as you were! That sounds super cool and I'd love to know which place you've liked the most out of all the ones you were able to visit. Also, what is a morkie? I'm assuming it's a yorkie mixed with something but I can't tell what it is on my own haha. I guess google is always one way to look that up, but I also just love seeing photos of dogs if you ever want to come back to this thread and attach a picture or two. Have a great semester!

  14. Hi Sam! Congrats on your final semester of school. I love cars (even though most girls find that weird) & grew up working on them with my dad & grandpa. How very cool to get to work for the OU football team! That would be my dream job, especially getting to travel with them! Your dogs sound like fun & I bet they do have lots of energy--most small dogs do. Good luck with the rest of your last semester!

  15. Hey Sam! Congrats on being so close to graduating, that's so exciting! I also have a Yorkie. He's nine-years-old but still very young at heart. He enjoys going on car rides as well as the dog park. That'a so awesome that you are able to work for the football team and travel with them. I'm sure you've gone to some pretty cool places.

  16. Hi Sam! Congrats on graduating early! I’m in the same boat as you and it is so weird to think that in a couple months we won’t be here! OU is such a beautiful campus. I agree that it feels like home when you step onto campus. It’s really cool that you are a student employee of the football team! I bet you have a lot of great stories! Yorkies are so cute. Thank you for sharing!

  17. Hi Sam! I'm Cat, I am a senior too, but in civil engineering. I think it is interesting to hear about people who fell in love with OU when they first saw it, because honestly, I didn't love it at all until recently, but now I am definitely going to miss it here. I think it is great that you have maintained a hobby through college, and are looking forward to spending more time at it after graduation. I hope you enjoy your last year!

  18. Hi Sam! I liked your intro, and congrats on graduating soon! I remember getting that same "at home" feeling on my tours (I toured twice) of OU. It's really cool you're into cars. I've always wanted to know more about them, because I always feel like a fool every time I walk into a mechanic. Also nice football pics! Have a good rest of your semester!

  19. Hi Sam! Much like you I am a senior, and its been truly bittersweet going through this last year. That is quite impressive that you were able to work so closely with the OU football program throughout your time at school. I am sure that you were able to grain invaluable education and memories from working with such a great program. Good luck finishing out at OU.

  20. Hi, Sam! I am also a senior and I am definitely ready to graduate! As much as I will not miss the studying and the homework, I will miss the freedom that comes with being in college. I think it is so cool that you have gotten to work so closely with the football team! I am actually pretty jealous of that. Have a great rest of your semester!

  21. Hey Sam! I'm so happy to hear that you've found your place on our campus and that you can call it your second home. I actually had the same dilemma of wanting to go to a school that was far from my parents, but after coming on a tour to OU, I also fell in love and I am soooo happy that I did not move even further away from my parents. I don't know about you, but my relationship with my parents grew much stronger after being a short distance away from them and I don't know if I would've been able to live really far from them after that!

  22. Hi Sam,
    Wow, it really does seem like you have a great job from what you've said about it and the fact that you've been able to keep doing it for 3+ years. You mentioned that it is your last semester and now there are only a few weeks left. I hope everything has worked out so far and that your graduation will go well!

  23. Hi Sam,
    That is great that you are so close to finally graduating. Congrats! I too chose OU because I absolutely love the people, the campus and the atmosphere it had. It's not far from my home at all but it still is a little far enough away to have my own space. That is so cool that you worked for the football team! That sounds so fun. Have a great rest of your last semester!

  24. Hi Sam, I am also a business major here at OU; I am double majoring in entrepreneurship and international business. I am glad to hear that you immediately fell in love with OU from the beginning, OU was actually not my first choice but after 3 years of being here I have grown to love it as well. I hope you have a great remainder of your semester!

  25. Hey Sam! I too started my college process late. I toured OU in April of my Senior year of high school. I'm glad I'm not the only one who had that "home" feeling when they visited. That was actually super important to me since I'm from the east coast, trips home only happen at breaks. I'm jealous that you're close enough to drive home whenever you want. Your gig with the football team sounds like a lot of fun! I would love to travel, but I'm not much of a football fan. Congrats on surviving your undergrad and good luck with the rest of your life!

  26. Hi Sam! I like your interesting major! I think supply chain management is very responsible for cool things like iPhone and laptops making. I hope you finish strong with A’s too! I agree with you: OU campus is obviously very large and beautiful. It must have been cool to work with football team. All those places sound cool and I wish to visit there sometime too. I agree with you: dogs can never bore people because of their boundless energy. It’s nice to meet you Sam!

  27. Hi Sam! I only know one other Supply Chain major, so it was refreshing to hear that there are others out there! I've gotta say, our interests are pretty different, so I enjoyed hearing about your experiences working with the football team and working on cars. That's a skill I'd love to pick up someday. I hope the rest of the semester treats you well!
