Sunday, August 26, 2018

Time Strategies

Right off the bat, I can say I did not follow my schedule this week due to the first week being somewhat hectic as far as figuring out what all I need to do. Starting this coming week, however, I plan to do my best in following my schedule, as it will help force me to be more productive and not procrastinate as much. One of the great things about my schedule this semester is that I have Fridays off from class. I love it because it means I can have a day to relax after a week of classes if all of my work is done, or I can use it to catch up on assignments that I have not yet completed. I may use it these first few weeks as a way to try and stay ahead of the schedule in this class, but I have not decided yet if that is how I want to spend the day.

I have always heard people say that creating small goals helps make accomplishing large goals easier, but I have never attempted it before. After reading the article on The Psychology of Checklists, I may try and do it this time around, as it should make this year less stressful than in previous years. I also read about Realistic Study Plans, because no matter how hard we try not to, everyone struggles with studying at the time we say we will. I liked how it made sure to mention that everyone requires a different schedule and amount of time studying instead of using cookie-cutter advice. I'm a big procrastinator typically and have been in the past, so I will do my best to work on these skills and improving them. I do well at time management when I am away from all of my things at home, such as at work, but I get distracted too easily when I have all my things around me.
One week down!

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